There are numerous BIK file converters on the web but none of them could actually convert MP4 to BIK format because it's exclusive to RAD Game Tools. Currently, the only tool can help us to convert MP4 to BIK is The RAD Video Tools, the official solution to convert MP4 to BIK format for free. Let's check the detailed steps blew.
App >> Rad Tools - Official Bink Player setup free
BIK is a video format created by RAD Game Tools, a company that specializes in tools and technologies for the video game industry. RAD Game Tools provides a package of tools called RAD Video Tools, which includes a BIK player that can be used to play BIK files. In addition to RAD Video Tools, there are other media players that support the BIK format, such as VLC media player and Media Player Classic. 2ff7e9595c