This Gameplay Ability is activated by the InputTag.Weapon.Reload, which is an Asset of the Ability.Type.Action.Reload tag. This grants the Event.Movement.Reload tag. While active, it will limit movement options. The reload logic revolves around three gameplay tag stacks on the associated weapon. The Lyra.ShooterGame.Weapon.MagazineSize is the maximum amount of ammo allowed per magazine for the current weapon. Lyra.ShooterGame.Weapon.MagazineAmmo is the remaining amount of ammo in the current magazine. When the amount reaches zero, the weapon must be reloaded to continue firing. Lyra.ShooterGame.Weapon.SpareAmmo is the remaining amount of ammo not in the current magazine. It overrides the K2_CanActivateAbility function, which is a Blueprint implementation of the following activation check logic: Checks if MagazineAmmo is less than MagazineSize. If false, the magazine is full, and reloading should not continue.
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