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Vero Visi V20 Torrent Download: What You Need to Know Before You Install


Fourthly, As this Archbishop introduced an Altar, so likewise, a Credentia, or side-Table into his Chappell, covered with a large Towel or Linnin Cloth, never seene, nor heard of there before his time, whereon the bread & wine intended to be consecrated at the Sacrament were first placed with a great deal of solemnity, before they were brought up to the Altar: After which the Archbishops Chaplaines being about to Consecrate the Elements usually repaired to this Credentia, and taking them from thence into their hands, made three low bowings or Genuflections to the Altar, and comming up unto it, offered up the Bread and Wine thereat upon their knees, & then layd them on the Altar; which Ceremonies were there used in the Archbishops presence sundry times when the Sacrament was administred if not by his speciall Direction, yet certainly with his approbation, and without the least reprehension, as was proved by the severall Oathes of Sir Nathaniell Brent, Dr. Featley, Mr. Cordwell (once servant to the Archbishop) Dr. Haywood also confessing he used this forme of celebrating the Communion, and Consecrating the Elements in the Archbishops presence. Now this Credentia (the very Name his owne Chaplaines gave it) or diminutive preparatory Altar, whereon the Bread, wine, Paten & Chalice must first be solemnly placed, & from thence removed advanced to & offerred up at the high Altar, is a meere Popish Vtensill, never heard of in any Protestant Church, nor in the Church of England since reformation; the very Name and Thing being prescribed and frequently mentioned in the Roman Caeremoniall, Pontificall, and Missall, but seldom or never in any other Authors; Witnes this discription of it. Caeremoniale Episcoporum l. 1. c. 12. p. 72. 73. 74. Restat ut de Mensa, seu Abaco, quam CREDENTIAM vocant pauca subijciamus. Ea vero IN MISSIS NOTE TANIVM SOLENNIBVS PREPARARI SOLET, a larere Epistolae in plano Presbiterij, atque a periete parumper disjuncta, &c. Eius mensura regulariter erit palmarum octo in longitudine, in latitudine, quatuor vel circa, in altitudine quinque, vel modicum ultra, lineogue mantuli mundo superstrato usque ad terram circumcirca pendenti, contegetur. Super ea ponentur duo Candelabra cum cereis albis, & in ipsius medio Calix, cum Patena, Palla, purificatorio, & bursa corporalia continens, at que ibi proxince Hostiaria cum hostijs, & pelvicula cum ampullis vini & aquae. Pontistcale Romanum p. 75. Et propè Altare CREDENTIA p. 566. Parabitur Ecclesia, & Capellae, CREDENTIA, &c, and Missale Romanum, Ritus Celebrandi Missam, p. 15. Diaconus amouet Calicem, si est in Altari, vel si est in CREDENTIA, ut magis decet, &c. Now who but a professed Papist in heart and affection durst ever introduce such a grosse Popish innovation into his owne Chapell, not used in any other place but it, except in Popish Churches in forraigne parts, ot the Queenes See Ribadeniera Flevers des vies des Sainctes pars, [...]ap. 104. Apres Compline et Matines, il visi oit, tous les Rutols de [...] Eglile, faisant a chacun vne Prostration et reverence. own Chapel here, & that by direction of the Roman Ceremoniall, Pontificall, Missall?

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