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Windows 7 Change Mac Address Software


Technitium MAC Address Changer allows you to change (spoof) Media Access Control (MAC) Address of your Network Interface Card (NIC) instantly. It has a very simple user interface and provides ample information regarding each NIC in the machine. Every NIC has a MAC address hard coded in its circuit by the manufacturer. This hard coded MAC address is used by windows drivers to access Ethernet Network (LAN). This tool can set a new MAC address to your NIC, bypassing the original hard coded MAC address. Technitium MAC Address Changer is a must tool in every security professionals tool box.

This software just writes a value into the windows registry. When the Network Adapter Device is enabled, windows searches for the registry value 'NetworkAddress' in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1- 08002bE10318\[ID of NIC e.g. 0001]. If a value is present, windows will use it as MAC address, if not, windows will use the hard coded manufacturer provided MAC address. Some Network Adapter drivers have this facility built-in. It can be found in the Advance settings tab in the Network Adapter's Device properties in Windows Device Manager.

Windows 7 Change Mac Address Software

NOTE: This tool cannot change MAC address of Microsoft Network Bridge. Network Bridge will automatically use the original MAC address of the first NIC added into bridge with the first octet of MAC address set to 0x02.

Download the SMAC program. SMAC is a paid tool with a free demo that will allow you to quickly change your MAC address. It is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7. Be sure to only download from trusted sources.

Win 7 MAC Address Changer is special software that has been created for people who want to change the Media Access Control address of either a wired or wireless network adapter. This makes it easier to manage network connections and the software is easy to use by those in the know.

One of the great things about Win 7 MAC Address Changer is that it comes with a clean and intuitive interface. This means that even novice users should be able to get to grips with it, although a certain amount of background knowledge is required for any software of this type. The software creates a new and completely random address almost instantly and allows users to revert to the old address and undo any other changes they have made if they wish.

Most Windows users who need to change their MAC address are likely to find that Win 7 MAC Address Changer is a great option and the fact that it is free to use without the need for installation is a real bonus. However, the fact that the software is not currently compatible with Windows 10 is likely to be a disappointment for many Windows users.

Sometimes the problem can be fixed by downgrading driver for wireless adapter and installing its version for Windows XP. And then the MAC address can be changed to any MAC address without limitation. But downgrade may cause incorrect work of device.

4. In Windows 7, you may see a warning message window if the new MAC address of wireless adapter is not an available value. You can correct the value or leave the same. The MAC Address will be changed after automatic connection restart.

MAC address is used to identify a computer on a network, and every network card has a unique MAC address assigned during manufacturing. However, most network cards also allow you to set a custom MAC address from their device properties on Windows. This is useful when you want to test or bypass the MAC filtering settings on firewall or router. Here are 2 simple ways to change MAC address on Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7.

Here is a list of best free MAC Address Changer software for Windows. MAC Address Changer is also known as MAC spoofer, as it spoofs the hard coded MAC address of network adapters. The network adapters come hard coded with MAC addresses which can not be changed, but masked or spoofed. Use these best free MAC changer software to spoof mac address. These software let you change MAC address for particular network adapters. You can choose a random MAC address, or just type in MAC manually. You can change MAC address manually via control panel, but these software are here to ease your effort. Also these software make sure that you do not mess up anything.

There are different reasons for which you might want to change your MAC address. These reasons include Privacy, restricted data usage, authentication, etc. Go through this brief description of Why To Change MAC Address to know more.

You can Change MAC Address Manually on your Windows computer easily. All it takes is to follow few steps. If you are in doubt about manually disturbing something in your computer, checkout the free software to change MAC address, else read the following steps to change MAC address manually:

Technitium MAC Address Changer is a dedicated software to change MAC address on Windows. Change the MAC hard coded into the NIC without any effort. The GUI of this software displays the Network Connections, along with the MAC addresses, Status, Speed, and if the MAC has been changed. You can click on the Network Connections separately to view their properties below the tab, like: Information, and IP Address. The Information tab displays:

To change MAC Address, go to the left bottom panel of the GUI. Click on the Random MAC Address option to randomly display a MAC address. Click on Change Now to spoof MAC address. You can always click on Restore Original to undo the changes. This MAC spoofer also lets you import and export MAC Presets. There are hundreds of MAC presets available on this tool.

Win 7 MAC Address Changer is a MAC Spoofer for Windows operating system. It works on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. The software is really easy to use, and you can change MAC address in 3 simple steps:

This MAC address changer displays the current MAC address on its interface as well. You can always change your MAC address to default by clicking Reset to Default. Click on View Log to export log in TXT format.

Smart MAC Address Changer is primarily one of the DNS changer software, which is capable of changing MAC address. To change MAC address, go to the MAC Address Changer Tab, and select a network adapter. You will view the current MAC address (original MAC address), and right below it you will view the New MAC Address tab. This tab generates random MAC addresses. Click on the Generate Random MAC Address, or manually enter a MAC address. Hit Apply MAC Address to change the MAC settings.

Spoof-Me-Now is another simple software to change MAC address, or spoof MAC address. Choose a network adapter to view the MAC address. In the Spoof To tab you will view the randomly generated MAC address. You can also put in a manual MAC address. Click on Spoof to change the MAC address. There is a log window where you can view all the changes made. There are not many options available on this lightweight software apart from the MAC address changing tool.

MadMAC is another lightweight MAC address spoofer for Windows OS. It has got a small and minimalist user interface. Select a network adapter, enter the MAC manually, and save the settings to change the MAC. There are no other options available on this software, however this MAC address changer is an effective tool to change MAC address.

it's true ive try your solution WoodpeckerLo, and the only way that i discovered to change the MAC Address in windows 7 on a wireless card is to install the original program and drivers from the card and then change the default drivers in Wseven with the one's on a XP system.

AND TO EVERYONE HAVING PROBLEMS: What all of the "smart people" above me are trying to say is if your MAC address starts with something like for example: 00-03-A1-etc-etc... Doing Either the programs OR Regedit with the same starting "00-" Will not work... This must be a problem with windows 7 not liking similar MAC's.

Basically Windows 7 has a limit on what you can use for your mac address in the number 2 nibble. 2, 6, A, and E are the only available options for it to be accepted as valid. The above steps to change your mac will work in Win 7, but just have to be sure the 2nd nibble is set to one of these 4.

It works perfect. you search the web for the Drivers of your computer or laptop. Once you've located them download the windows Xp driver for your woreless device to a cartain location where it's easy to find. Next open device manager and under network adapters locate the driver that's curently installed. Right click on it and press "Update Driver Software" Click on "Brows my computer for driver software" Next click on "Let Me Pick from a list of device drivers on my computer" on the bottom right corner click on "have disk" Hit "Brows" and scroll over to the path where you downloaded the windows XP driver. install it and you should be able to change the Phisical Address under configuration menu. You will have to unzip the file fors before installing it.

However Windows 7 updater intends to automatically update the driver again to the windows 7 driver then it stops working again even though to option to change the address is still their. If you notice that it's doing that you'll have to completely uninstall it and start from scratch again. but keep an eye on updates are ready to install on the bottom right screen at the start menu. When it comes up agian click on it to open it then click on important updates then you'll notice the windows 7 update is their for your wireless driver right click on it and press "hide update" to disable to automatic update. save and exit and your done.

I don't think it's a bug, is intentionally made...MAC address: "XY-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX""X" can be anything hexadecimal.The hexadecimal "Y", written in binary format, isY: "kmnp", where "p" is the least significant bit; p=0 --> unicast; p=1 --> multicast; n=0 --> globally assigned MAC; n=1 --> locally administered;So, actually MAC can be changed not only to 12-XX-...,but to any combination in which p=0 and n=1;"Y" can be 2, 6, A or E.I think it can be tweaked in registry, since it apply only to Wireless,not to Ethernet adapters. But I don't have much time to experiment. :MAC_address 2ff7e9595c

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